
LCR-8200(A) High-Frequency LCR Meter


  • Wide Test Frequency:
  • — LCR-8200A:DC, 10Hz~50/30/20/10/5 MHz
  • — LCR-8200:DC, 10Hz~30/20/10/5/1 MHz
  • 7″ LCD color Display
  • 0.08% Basic Accuracy
  • Displaying Four Measurement Results Simultaneously From 17 Selectable Measurement Parameters Freely
  • 15 Steps List Measurement
  • Two Curves Sweep Mode
  • Equivalent Circuit Model Analysis (LCR-8200A only)
  • Internal DC Bias Voltage ±12V
  • USB Storage Available

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GW Instek launches a new series of high-frequency LCR meter ~ LCR-8200(A), which has five models and the maximum test frequency is up to 50MHz. The entire series adopts 7-inch color display and features a high measurement accuracy (0.08%).


The measurement results can be presented numerically or graphically according to the selected measurement mode, allowing users to optimally interpret the characteristics of the DUT. At the same time, a full range of standard interfaces such as USB device / RS-232C / Handler and GPIB allow users to control the instrument by the most familiar interface without worrying about additional hardware investment costs.



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