
GPM-8330/8320 Digital Power Meter


  • 5” TFT LCD
  • Voltage/Current Test Freq. Bandwidth: DC, 0.1Hz~ 100kHz
  • Waveform Display : V (Voltage), I (Current), P (Wattage)
  • Distorted wave Current/Voltage measurement: full range for CF=3, and half range for CF=6 (or 6A)
  • Meeting IEC 61000-4-7 harmonic measurement (50/60Hz)
  • Wiring selecting button (1P3W,3P3W,3P4W,3V3A)
  • Harmonic measurement & analysis up to 50 orders
  • Auto ranging function for Integration mode
  • Screen Capture through USB host
  • Provide external current sensor input (EXT1/EXT2)
  • Standard Interface: RS-232C, USB device/ host, LAN;Optional Interface: GPM-DA12 – GPIB + Digital I/O (factory installed only)

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GW Instek GPM-8320/8330 are digital power meters designed specifically for measuring power in three-phase AC power sources, making it suitable for most electrical and electronic product testing applications (GPM-8320 provides 2 modules, and GPM-8330 provides 3 modules). These models have a testing bandwidth of DC, 0.1Hz~100 kHz and feature 16-bit A/D converters and a sampling rate of 300 kHz. A 5-inch TFT LCD display, 5 digits of measurement readings, 25 different power measurement parameters, and high precision measurement capabilities are also provided.


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